Clickworkers is still under development. Please check back soon!
NASA Clickworkers was developed to help scientists and researchers build an extensive database of landforms from data captured by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's (MRO) High Resolution Science Experiment (HiRISE). It began as a pilot study in 2000 to determine whether or not online volunteers would be interested in contributing, and if they could produce good data that can be used to answer interesting science questions. It was a great success! Click here to read more about our first pilot study.
As a clickworker you will learn about various landforms on Mars (and on Earth), how they are formed, and what scientists can learn from them. You can experience first hand what it's like to be an active participant in the scientific process!
Clickworkers is still being developed so you may notice some changes. Check out some of the things we're working on!
You can search the database for existing entries. Don't forget to register if you'd like to keep track of your progress and participate in the peer review process (soon to come).

See the original Clickworkers website that was first launched in November of 2000.